Our Frequently Asked Questions
How are the needs of my child identified?
A team meeting is held with the family and key persons which may include the school and other agencies. The strengths and needs of the child and family are mutually identified. An intervention strategy is developed jointly, and goals and objectives set.
Who works with my child?
Comprehensive Children and Family Services assigns trained, qualified staff to work with the child and family based on the teams plan of intervention. Team members accept responsibility for tasks they’ll have, creating the best opportunity for success. The plan is evaluated on a regular basis and can be modified, if necessary, at a future meeting.
Before what age is a child identified as a candidate for services?
A child or adolescent under the age of 21 is identified as a candidate for Wraparound Services.
With the consent of the family, a psychological evaluation is performed to confirm that the child has a mental health diagnosis and that Wraparound Services are medically necessary.
What is Wraparound?
Wraparound services are:
Specially tailored to meet each child’s individual needs, giving the family the greatest opportunity for success.
Community-based, allowing services to be provided in the home, school or a similar less-restrictive environment.
Designed and planned with input from the family and other individuals who have a commitment to the child’s success.
Develops in a culturally sensitive manner, building on the unique strengths and values of each individual family.
What is Autism?
Autism falls under the umbrella of Pervasive Development Disorders.
Autism is a developmental disability characterized by challenges in three areas: communication skills, social skills, and restrictive and/or repetitive behaviors. When significant problems are noted in all three areas, the appropriate diagnosis is Autism.